
Ode to Sam

“You boys been drinkin’?, the middle-age man who picked us up asked. We mumbled something incoherent in reply.  And as the car traveled toward Milwaukee, Sam and I grew quite.  “Maybe we should go back I finally said under my breath.”  Sam said nothing.  Our trek began an hour earlier, around midnight,  and I would be lying if I told you I remember which bar we were at that night.  Sam and I had spent most the evening drinking beer and complaining about our hometown. We had both recently graduated from Oconomowoc High School and we were itching to start living life.  We were ready to break out – have some adventure – shake the dust of this little town off our feet and start living.  We worked each other up as the night went on until finally Sam said, “Let’s do it! Let’s leave!  Let’s leave right now!!”  “YES!” I responded, “Right now!”  We walked out of the bar and started walking toward the freeway.  When we got to highway 67, we turned around and started walking backwards wi
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